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Over 1100 companies have successfully revolutionized their process culture with Q.wiki.

What do you want to achieve with your new management software?





Wikis are the better management systems!


Management software Q.wiki: agile processes with wiki-based management system
More agile processes

Each team member can question processes and independently introduce change proposals into the system. This allows you to optimize your processes together in a continuous improvement process (CIP).

Management software Q.wiki: current content with interactive management system based on wiki
More current content

By involving everyone, you anchor current best practices efficiently and sustainably in your organization – the dusty QM manual becomes an interactive work platform.

Management software Q.wiki: web-based management system on wiki basis
Easier collaboration

Through the web browser, your entire team conveniently accesses all information in the system anytime, anywhere. No installation is required –  wikis are 100% web-based.

Management software Q.wiki: more accesses to management system on wiki basis
Real help in everyday work

The added value of your management system exceeds the documentation effort many times over. On average, each user uses a wiki system up to 100 times a month!

Interactive Management Software Q.wiki

With Q.wiki, process management becomes a team affair


Q.wiki is your company's new reference work! Because in the web-based management software you will find the answers to all questions of everyday work: You can conveniently access all process descriptions, work instructions and related documents via the browser.

The special feature of Q.wiki: interactive process modeling. All your colleagues continuously contribute experience values as well as suggestions for improvement to the interactive management system. This works just as easily as with Wikipedia!

With your concentrated team knowledge, you develop your organization further together – you receive your certifications as an additional bonus.



This is what you achieve with an Interactive Management System




Advantages Interactive management system for all employees

... for your employees


  • active participation in the process design

  • better collaboration across all departments and locations

  • valuable information and work platform with current content



Vorteile Interaktives Managementsystem für das ganze Unternehmen

... for your whole company


  • more efficient processes and clear responsibilities
  • fewer queries and reduced error costs
  • participative leadership and satisfied employees




Vorteile Interaktives Managementsystem für das Qualitätsmanagement

... for your QM department


  • relief through decentralized maintenance and convenient release procedure
  • high access numbers and more process reliability
  • certifications such as ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and many more



Vorteile Interaktives Managementsystem für die IT

... for your IT department


  • seamless connection to other systems
  • minimal administrative effort
  • professional support based in Germany



Try Q.wiki for free



Q.wiki – the all-in-one software for quality, process and knowledge management


Process-oriented approach at all levels


  • You navigate through your management system via your individual process map – so all users can find their way around directly.


  • You create process descriptions and work instructions using predefined templates. This allows anyone to easily add new content.

    Q.wiki management software: process-oriented knowledge management, process-oriented quality management



        Q.wiki management software: Process representation as table or flowchart

            Tabular process descriptions and flowcharts


            • With the process designer, every knowledge carrier creates flowcharts as well as tabular process descriptions independently or introduces changes to existing descriptions. All instructions can be conveniently exported via PDF printing.


            • You integrate responsibilities and interfaces to other systems directly in the respective process step. In this way, you create complete instructions for all workflows, which simultaneously serve as a navigation platform between different systems.



              Standard-compliant document control and automatic versioning


              • Use the release workflow to define the path a document should take through your company – this ensures reliable content in terms of content and form.


              • Sensitive data is protected by individual rights management, and all changes to processes and documents can be viewed in the change history.

                Q.wiki management software: standard-compliant document control and automatic versioning



                    Q.wiki management software: document control and direct standard assignment of processes

                        Direct allocation of relevant content to respective audit


                        • Simply store important standards in Q.wiki and assign new content directly to the corresponding standards chapter. This simplifies both internal and external audits.


                        • Easily switch perspectives between processes and standards to identify gaps in your documentation.



                          Individual read receipts


                          • For each change in the management system, you select whether and from whom you want to request a read confirmation. In this way, you ensure that all affected employees are aware of the changed specifications in accordance with the standard.


                          • In the history you can see who has already read which revision and who you need to check with again.

                              Q.wiki management software: read receipts and change history



                                Q.wiki management software: integrated file management and full text search

                                  Integrated file management and cutting-edge search technology


                                  • Use the integrated file management to upload all forms and templates directly in the process description. You can then open, edit and save files directly in the system.


                                  • Full-text search lets you find all content and even file attachments in an instant. This minimizes searches and queries throughout the company and is a valuable aid during audits.



                                      Personal page for each team member


                                      • On your personal page you will find an overview of your open and completed to-dos as well as the tasks you have given to other team members. Pages that are still waiting for your approval are also displayed here.


                                      • Simply add pages and documents that you use particularly often to your favorites. This way, you can access them particularly quickly and conveniently via your personal page.

                                          Management software Q.wiki: Overview of all tasks on personal page



                                              One basis, many additional applications: Expand your management system as you wish!


                                              Q.wiki apps for relaxed audits: Audit management, risk management, complaint management

                                              Apps for relaxed audits

                                              Process managementBASIS
                                              + Audit management
                                              + Risk management
                                              + Complaint management

                                              Q.wiki apps for living knowledge culture: employee profiles, protocol management, talent management

                                              Apps for a living knowledge culture

                                              Process managementBASIS
                                              + Employee profiles
                                              + Minutes management
                                              + Talent management

                                              Q.wiki Apps for more efficient processes: Process management, project management, key figure management, workflow management

                                              Apps for more efficient processes

                                              Process managementBASIS
                                              + Project management
                                              + Key figure management
                                              + Workflow Management



                                              We revolutionize your process culture.



                                              More about management consulting

                                              Explore Q.wiki for yourself!



                                              Try Q.wiki for free